AKSW / OntoWiki

Semantic data wiki as well as Linked Data publishing engine
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Make Deploy: Zend package could not be downloaded #325

Closed GeorgesAlkhouri closed 8 years ago

GeorgesAlkhouri commented 8 years ago

This morning I wanted to build OntoWiki with the normal Make command make deploy. Unfortunately, the zend target could not download the needed package.

First I thought this is caused by the broken link generated from Make (see quotation marks):


But this gets corrected by curl or wget.

wget shows the following error:

wget https://packages.zendframework.com/releases/ZendFramework-1.12.9/ZendFramework-1.12.9-minimal.tar.gz
--2015-11-10 11:56:34--  https://packages.zendframework.com/releases/ZendFramework-1.12.9/ZendFramework-1.12.9-minimal.tar.gz
Resolving packages.zendframework.com...
Connecting to packages.zendframework.com||:443... connected.
Unable to establish SSL connection.
GeorgesAlkhouri commented 8 years ago

OK sorry about the issue, now the Zend server acts normal again.