AKSW / OntoWiki

Semantic data wiki as well as Linked Data publishing engine
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Is the translation-cache fully implemented and used? #385

Open shinobu opened 8 years ago

shinobu commented 8 years ago

As most of the OntoWiki cache implementations are still experimental (query and object cache for example), is the translation-cache functional and used throughout OntoWiki or rather an unfinished feature that still needs polishing? (such informations should be added to the .ini file as well)

white-gecko commented 7 years ago

What is the expected behavior, what is the experienced behavior? Why did you not change the config.ini instead of default.ini?

shinobu commented 7 years ago

I chose to edit the default.ini, because I've tried to test most of the existing .ini entries on errors and tested them all successively in the first .ini they appeared. (Making a List of all entries and explaining them might be a good idea)

And well I guess I would expect, that, because the translation (or parts of it) are in the cache, the loading times would be shorter, though I’m not sure if thats noticeable right now for OntoWiki anyway.