AKSW / OntoWiki

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The erfurt default.ini entry ac.deactivateRegistration doesn't get read propperly #390

Closed shinobu closed 7 years ago

shinobu commented 8 years ago

deactivating the registration in the (Erfurt) default.ini doesn't work.

shinobu commented 8 years ago

for some reason the entry needs to be in the OntoWiki .ini's to be found --- even then it just removes the entry in the top row in User not in the log in field (that register button still works)


so in applications/classes/OntoWiki/Menu/Registry.php

$owApp->config->ac->deactivateRegistration is checked

and in extensions/account/LoginModule.php

$this->_erfurt->getAc()->isActionAllowed('RegisterNewUser') this

furthermore deactivating this doesn't invalidates the **base_url**/application/register url so in fact you can still register that way

white-gecko commented 8 years ago

For disabling the register action you should check the permissions within the action and output an error instead of the registration form if not allowed.

shinobu commented 8 years ago

done in #403