AKSW / OntoWiki

Semantic data wiki as well as Linked Data publishing engine
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Integrate support for Stardog backend #396

Closed pfrischmuth closed 2 years ago

pfrischmuth commented 7 years ago
shinobu commented 7 years ago

@k00ni you have some experience with stardog in docker regarding the license. Could you help us, on how to initialise our tests against a stardog backend?

k00ni commented 7 years ago

Uff, i am not very familiar with Stardog. If i remember it right, Stardog uses a simple SPARQL endpoint for interactions (in comparison to Virtuoso with ODBC). Maybe you start there? Can you explain what you meant with "initialize" tests? Whats your current approach?

shinobu commented 7 years ago

the issue lies more into how to integrate stardog into travis stardog requires a license, even docker container for stardogs require licenses (example: https://hub.docker.com/r/bluepeppers/stardog/ ) @k00ni

how did you/would you solve that issue -> I'd guess we would need to somehow make a (AKSW?) (community?) license, but I dont know if we can somehow give only travis (and not public) access rights to that, so thats one of the things I'm unsure how to solve right now.

k00ni commented 7 years ago

Ah, i got what you want. Stardog company doesn't want you to use their software without a license. Therefore, no way in here, i am afraid.

But you should ask them, if they provide a basic license for you/OntoWiki. Outline, that supporting OntoWiki is a good thing, because its a major RDF software, well known in the community and wants to use a "real" triple store. If you hesitate with that, just drop me a mail or paste your work here and i support you here.

shinobu commented 7 years ago

I'd say, that it should be @white-gecko 's decision to get us a key (you can talk with him about this).

We can probably encrypt the file for the travis tests like this: https://docs.travis-ci.com/user/encrypting-files/

k00ni commented 7 years ago

I'd say, that it should be @white-gecko 's decision to get us a key (you can talk with him about this).

Why? You are assigned to this issue as well as reviewer, therefore entitled to decide. @white-gecko reads the comments here and will talk to you, off- or online about this, if he think its important. But its usually a good way to save peoples time by acting (and ask for forgiveness later), instead of asking everytime :) (no offence)

The link about encryption seems like an overkill and is not helping with this issue, in my opinion, because we would still need Stardogs permission and license.

shinobu commented 7 years ago

the link about encryption was for the case that we do get a license (file), if we would upload that plain, people could just abuse it

and about white-gecko, he is the Headdeveloper for OntoWiki and with a request to stardog/creating a common public license for it, I would represent OntoWiki (and partially the AKSW) and I think i'm in no position to just do that.