AKSW / OntoWiki

Semantic data wiki as well as Linked Data publishing engine
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OntoWiki uses doap.n3's author property instead of authorLabel #407

Open k00ni opened 7 years ago

k00ni commented 7 years ago

In all doap.n3 files you only set authorLabel, but not author. The extension exconf tries to use author property in its list.phtml, but fails in doing so. Why? I am not sure yet. But it can't handle CubeViz's doap.n3 file for instance.

The problem is, that if you using CubeViz, you will run into an exception in the extension configuration view, for instance.

I created a small fix and will make a pull request.

shinobu commented 7 years ago

The issue with the doap.n3 file is, that is has 2 authorLabel entries, so you would need to change your "fix" to either let the owconfig accept multiple authorLabels, or you need to merge the two labels into one (e.g. like the hideproperties extension did it)