AKSW / OntoWiki

Semantic data wiki as well as Linked Data publishing engine
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More documentation on Newbie Tasks #412

Open lonniev opened 7 years ago

lonniev commented 7 years ago

The following how-to should be referenced in the Getting Started material on this page


Also, in this example, it would be very useful if it showed how to create a new KB which will import several external ontologies to provide the upper ontology for any new terms of the new ontology.

(As a community, we have to move beyond simple demos of simple isolated systems. OntoWiki is not unique in neglecting how to author complex, interconnected systems.)

shinobu commented 7 years ago

for the first problem: You can fork https://github.com/AKSW/docs.ontowiki.net , apply the changes and create a pull request.

white-gecko commented 7 years ago

Our documentation is now at https://docs.ontowiki.net/ and can be edited as mentioned by @shinobu. There are sum "Newbie Tasks" documented in the section "User-Stories" (in the left navigation bar). But we would be welcoming new contributions to this section e.g. as pull-requests.