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Turtle parser fails on valid turtle #418

Open DieterDePaepe opened 7 years ago

DieterDePaepe commented 7 years ago

When loading the (valid) turtle file of the ISA Person Core vocabulary, I receive a parsing error:

Could not import given model: Character ";" not allowed in language tags.

which I assume originates from statements as

:Person dcterms:identifier "person:Person";
a rdfs:Class;
rdfs:label "Person"@en;

After adding a space before the ";", a less meaningful errors occurred:

Could not import given model: ':' expected. ' ' found instead (core_person/home>]; dcterms:descriptio). when parsing file:///tmp/

After adding some more spaces, the knowledge base is created, but gives an error page once it is viewed:

Internal Server Error

We're sorry, but something went wrong (e.g. configuration). Please inform your system administrator. Details are logged and debug mode can be turned on.

With the following in the logs:

2016-12-26T14:07:11+01:00 EMERG (0): Erfurt_Store_Adapter_Exception: SPARQL Erro r: [unixODBC][OpenLink][Virtuoso iODBC Driver][Virtuoso Server]SR460: Function h ttp_escape needs a varbinary or varchar argument 1 with length more than zero, n ot an arg of type DB_NULL (204) () on querying graph with query: define o utput:format "JSON" SELECT ?p ?o

FROM WHERE{http://www.w3.org/ns/person ?p ?o . } -> /var/www/vendor/aksw/erfurt/li brary/Erfurt/Store/Adapter/Virtuoso.php@1059 Internal Server Error

We're sorry, but something went wrong (e.g. configuration). Please inform your system administrator. Details are logged and debug mode can be turned on.

I suspect the final error is also related to some kind of parsing error.

Tested using Docker without customisation of any kind: docker run -it -p 80:80 --rm aksw/ontowiki-ubuntu-nginx