AKSW / QuitDiff

Command line comparison tool for semantic web data, it can be used as git difftool for RDF data as well.
GNU General Public License v3.0
7 stars 2 forks source link

problem with meta class #7

Closed JJ-Author closed 5 years ago

JJ-Author commented 5 years ago

following error occurs when running with python 2.7.12

/usr/bin/python2.7 /home/kilt/Desktop/johannes-kilt/students/Denis/QuitDiff/bin/quit-diff . a.ttl 1 2 b.ttl
('.', 'a.ttl', 'b.ttl')
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/kilt/Desktop/johannes-kilt/students/Denis/QuitDiff/bin/quit-diff", line 6, in <module>
  File "/home/kilt/Desktop/johannes-kilt/students/Denis/QuitDiff/quit_diff/__init__.py", line 26, in main
    quitdiff.diff(args.path, args.oldFile, args.newFile, diffFormat=args.diffFormat)
  File "/home/kilt/Desktop/johannes-kilt/students/Denis/QuitDiff/quit_diff/QuitDiff.py", line 74, in diff
    self.difftool(oldFile, newFile, None, None, diffFormat=diffFormat)
  File "/home/kilt/Desktop/johannes-kilt/students/Denis/QuitDiff/quit_diff/QuitDiff.py", line 110, in difftool
    diff = getattr(import_module('quit_diff.serializer.' + module), module)
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/importlib/__init__.py", line 37, in import_module
  File "/home/kilt/Desktop/johannes-kilt/students/Denis/QuitDiff/quit_diff/serializer/SparqlDiff.py", line 5
    class SparqlDiff(metaclass=ABCMeta):
SyntaxError: invalid syntax
white-gecko commented 5 years ago

Hello @JJ-Author, as far as I can remember we have developed Quit Diff with Python 3. Please try to execute it with python 3.

JJ-Author commented 5 years ago

Yes that works. Maybe add the required version and a quick installation hint in the readme?

white-gecko commented 5 years ago


white-gecko commented 5 years ago

We are also looking forward to your pull requests, if you have any suggestions or if you just take notes of observations you make when installing and using the software.

white-gecko commented 5 years ago

The requirements should be more clear in 08b86e530b2c70598d600f286512feb1050b3419 now

JJ-Author commented 5 years ago

perfect. current workaround is generating a pre-diff with sort and comm unix utils and then pass over this reduced diff (~300mb) to quitdiff.