An RDF Unit Testing Suite
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RDFUnit does not build due to javadoc errors #27

Closed rybesh closed 9 years ago

rybesh commented 9 years ago

I would really like to try RDFUnit; unfortunately following the build instructions leads to numerous Javadoc build errors and the necessary jars do not get compiled. I recommend using something like Travis CI to ensure that your build actually works on a fresh clone.

jimkont commented 9 years ago

Actually we do have Travis set and it does not complain https://travis-ci.org/AKSW/RDFUnit

Could you please paste the exact error you get?

jimkont commented 9 years ago

Lately i changed bin/rdfunit and it automatically compiles and builds the project when run for the first time. Could you also try run it directly?

rybesh commented 9 years ago

Errors when following build instructions: https://gist.github.com/rybesh/57333f35abf79b698978

I get the same errors when running rdfunit directly.

I am running Java 1.8.0_25 on OSX 10.10.1.

jimkont commented 9 years ago

This looks like a local maven issue to me. Can you send me you maven version to look into it further?

I think c26de2775f8f88667f44a96b3260691287486861 it a temporary fix, could you pull and try again with bin/rdfunit directly?

jimkont commented 9 years ago

Complete fix (fd2d664) by properly escaping '>' and '&' in javadoc comments. Probably you javadoc version has stricter settings and returns an error on this characters. Neither Travis nor other users had any problems with this in the past

rybesh commented 9 years ago

I pulled your changes; there are still some unescaped HTML entities in your javadoc. I've updated the gist with the latest errors: https://gist.github.com/rybesh/57333f35abf79b698978

I'm using Maven 3.2.3, the latest version.

Perhaps you could modify your build file to only build javadoc if it is explicitly requested? I don't really need it just to run a CLI.

rybesh commented 9 years ago

I see that your TravisCI config is using an old version of Java; that's probably why you missed this problem.


jimkont commented 9 years ago

You're right, it was java8. Travis is now configured and the error should be fixed. Can you confirm?

Thanks for the report

rybesh commented 9 years ago

Works now. Thanks!