An RDF Unit Testing Suite
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Add JUnit XML writer #60

Closed der-bruemmer closed 8 years ago

der-bruemmer commented 8 years ago

-Allows setting the output format to XML, producing JUnit XML files to be parsed by other applications, such as build servers -Creates a element per run, using the testExecution urn as name and the source file as package attribute -creates a element per result, using the testcase uri as name and the testExecution urn as classname -failures create elements, containing the failure description as message attribute and the resultLevel as type attribute -error counts and prevalences are output as elements -errors and timeouts create elements, containing the resultStatus as type

-rdfunit-io: Add xml format to SerializationFormatFactory -rdfunit-core: Allow RDFHtmlWriterFactory to create xml writers -rdfunit-core: Add RDFXMLResultsWriters for output types aggregate and status