An RDF Unit Testing Suite
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Re-activate or document custom SPARQL query support #66

Closed seebi closed 8 years ago

seebi commented 8 years ago

Dimitri, I know you work on SHACL but to have support for custom queries is an important feature and would ease up a lot here at eccenca. Let us talk how to re-activate or use that please :-)

der-bruemmer commented 8 years ago

Essentially we need a way to add a (number of) turtle files with manual test case definitions using SPARQL queries to a test run.

seebi commented 8 years ago

Even a single turtle file would do the job :-)

hknochi commented 8 years ago


TheRojam commented 8 years ago


jimkont commented 8 years ago

I never stopped support for those :)

org.aksw.rdfunit.model.readers.BatchTestCaseReader can be used to read RDFUnit TestCases from a jena Model. which returns a collections of TestCase objects

The results can be wrapped in a TestSuite and validate a dataset

jimkont commented 8 years ago

I guess I should run by default on the input schemas if this is what you need and add these tests to the ones we get from the autogenerators