AKSW / RDFauthor

RDFauthor creates formular widgets out of RDFa-enhanced webpages.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Runtime Configurability #12

Closed Aklakan closed 11 years ago

Aklakan commented 11 years ago

RDFauthor should be configurable during runtime, which means, that for each option that is set using RDFa or Link-Elements, there should be corresponding methods on the RDFauthor object: Specifically I would need the following methods:

.setSourceService("http://dbpedia.org/sparql"); .setSourceGraphs([/array of graph URIs/]); .setTargetService("http://localhost/sparql"); .setTargetGraph("http://write.me");

.setData(/* good question what to accept here */);

Ideally, .setData should probably accept some normalized representation of RDF data (maybe some standard interfaces; no idea if this is useful: https://github.com/webr3/rdf-interfaces) . For me it would be sufficient if there was a Talis RdfJson interface.

Please also name the methods with source-target rather than following the current namings with query-update.

seebi commented 11 years ago

why do you need the setData?

cannelony commented 11 years ago

future use case as discussed: var rdfAauthor = new RdfAuthor({ targetService: "http://localhost/sparql", targetGraph: "http://mygraph.org/", targetResource="http://myresource-which-i-want-to-edit", targetResourceData: /* talisJson mit den resourcen daten --- wenn nicht gesetzt, macht RDFauthor selbst ein query, um alle tripel für die resource abzuholen */ });