AKSW / Xturtle

An eclipse editor for turtle files (RDF serialisation) based on Xtext2
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project-wide renaming of resources #37

Open seebi opened 11 years ago

seebi commented 11 years ago

this feature can be used e.g. to rename all occurrences of myns:Knows to foaf:knows.

seebi commented 9 years ago


nittka commented 9 years ago

Actually, this is not what I meant with simple framework supported refactoring of local names in our phone call. myns:Knoffs -> myns:knows would be such a refactoring. Only the name changes, not the namespace. Because internally myns:knows is actually 2 references - to the namespace prefix and to the actual subject.

This wanted refactoring would have to adapt both references at once, so it is not low hanging fruit at all. A two-step refactoring by the user (first prefix then the local name) will not work in general - myns will probably used for other subjects as well - and those are not to be renamed.

Simple text replacement "myns:Knows" to "foaf:knows" and fixing the problems afterwards would be the way to go.