AKSW / Xturtle

An eclipse editor for turtle files (RDF serialisation) based on Xtext2
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Xtext #54

Closed kurzum closed 11 years ago

kurzum commented 11 years ago

I think, I have a problem with XText, I downloaded the new Kepler on Ubuntu 12.04 and it wouldn't let me install 2.3.1, but only Xtext UI 2.4.2.v201306120542 org.eclipse.xtext.ui.feature.group Eclipse Modeling Project Is this a problem, because it is not working for me, all namespaces show errors.

I put the workspace in the folder, zipped it and shipped it here: http://nlp2rdf.lod2.eu/eclipse.tar.gz

Maybe it is just me. By the way, the docu here is mentioning 2.3.1 https://github.com/AKSW/Xturtle/wiki/Installation and here it mention nothing: http://aksw.org/Projects/Xturtle.html

Doesn't eclipse have a mechanism to install missing dependencies automatically?

nittka commented 11 years ago

I'll have to check compatibility of the current Xturtle version with Kepler. I don't know whether there were relevant API-changes from 2.3 to 2.4.

kurzum commented 11 years ago

Ah yes, thanks, actually, I downloaded Eclipse just for X Turtle, so I took the latest version. Maybe the easiest for now is to add links to the documentation, with which Eclipse versions X-Turtle works. I wouldn't mind downloading an old version.

nittka commented 11 years ago

A quick test indicates that Xturtle works also with Kepler and the current Xtext version 2.4.2. The symptoms you describe have a different cause. See here. The cross reference section states that vocabulary must be present in the workspace (the Xturtle project provides some common base vocabulary - but not automatically shipped with the editor). The editor is dumb. It only knows the vocabulary provided locally and does not crawl the web.

kurzum commented 11 years ago

Hi, sorry, I am completely unable to understand your documentation, It doesn't give a step by step help. I am unfamiliar with eclipse except for Java. I would like to install it and get it running, so I haven't looked at the usage notes at all,yet. Reading them, it is still unclear what to do:

1. your docu says:

A common setup will be that you have a project V1 with basic vocabulary (rdf, rdfs,...) and others you are actively working on, e.g. P1 and P2. Each project contains a .project file. If you want P1 to know the subjects defined in V1, you have to add a project reference, i.e. P1's .project file must contain


My comment:

I have never edited the .project XML file before. What do I need to put instead of V1 ?

2. your docu says:

possibly with additional project entries. You can either edit the .project file directly or open the project's properties available in the context menu. There you choose the entry "Project References" where you can select the projects to be referenced.

Note that the latest version provides quick fixes for namespace imports. That is, if a namespace is defined somewhere in the workspace, but the corresponding project reference is missing, the quickfix will add it for you.

In order to support an easy usage of Xturtle, we provide projects for common vocabularies in our vocabulary folder which you can import and reference to.

my comment:

When I right click on my project name and then choose Properties and go to 'Project References' the list is empty. I can not add Project References to this empty list and I am unable to add the "vocabulary folder" via the menu Properties Menu

3. your docu says:

You just need to download the project directories and import it as a project via menu entry

File -> Import

and select then the option

General -> Existing Projects into Workspace

in the options tree.

For a list of available projects, please have a look at the repository.

My comment:

I downloaded develop.zip to /tmp, unzipped it and then I did File->Import . It completely messed up my workspace, see the attached screen shot. Furthermore, it didn't fix the problem at all.


I think, that the solution might be quite simple. I think you just need to move the Usage notes to the "Install" section and then describe the different ways how to add the vocabs. I really can't understand, where to download what exactly and what to click in the eclipse GUI


kurzum commented 11 years ago

By the way, I was the guy, who used the Harry Potter paper with Hedwig the OWL on it for you homework assignments. I added a link to install notes.

nittka commented 11 years ago

I will try to incorporate your comments into the documentation and write in more detail how to add the vocabulary projects to the workspace.

Your workspace does not look completely messed up to me ;-). You can delete all projects whose name starts with "de.itemis". Note also, that simply importing the projects is not supposed to resolve the linking problems. You now have the vocabulary projects available in the workspace but you still need to create the project references mentioned. This should be possible via quickfixes.

Expand the directives block in the editor (the plus left of the first line starting with "@prefix"). There should be info markers (blue i) with an additional light bulb icon. Clicking on such an info marker should open a quick fix dialog proposing to add a project reference.

However, I do not understand why adding project references via the project's properties is not working for you. I would expect that the list contains all projects located in the workspace, but none of them has a check mark...