AKSW / Xturtle

An eclipse editor for turtle files (RDF serialisation) based on Xtext2
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rdf:_1 could not find definition #59

Closed MichaelHerne closed 9 years ago

MichaelHerne commented 9 years ago

Hi all, I played a day with xturtle and get a problem with RDF collections. xturtle cant find definitions for rdf:_1, rdf:_2 and so on. But its the only way to define container membership properties.

My example:

@prefix rdf: http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#. @prefix ex: http://www.example.com#.

ex:letter rdf:type rdf:Bag; rdf:_1 "a"; rdf:_2 "b".

nittka commented 9 years ago

Xturtle "knows" a predicate/object only if it is defined somewhere (i.e. it is the subject in some triple). This is where all other references are then linked to. You have 2 options now. a) disable/downgrade the corresponding validation via the preference page b) add dummy definitions (something like rdf:_1 a rdf:Object.) I would go for option b. The idea of this validation is that typos are easier to find.

nittka commented 9 years ago

A third possibility is writing rdf:_1 as full IRI. Reopen the issue, in case you are not happy with any of the suggestions and have a better idea.