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add funding agencies to the head #24

Closed seebi closed 11 years ago

seebi commented 11 years ago

Please modify the page header by adding additional funding agency logos and two headings


uni leipzig infai


BmBF - Federal Ministry of Education - http://www.bmbf.de/en/ EU FP7 - EU Seventh Framework Programme (FP7) - http://cordis.europa.eu/fp7/home_en.html DAAD - German Academic Exchange Service - http://www.daad.de/en/ DFG - German Research Foundation - http://www.dfg.de/en/



haschek commented 11 years ago

Do you already have some of the logos from other works, or do I need to get them all myself?

seebi commented 11 years ago

get them yourself, I do not have them ...

seebi commented 11 years ago

From Sören: "Können wir die Logos von DAAD und DFG etwas kleiner machen, damit die im Vergleich zu BmbF und FP7 nicht so dominant sind?!"