AKSW / building-navigator

The Gebäude-Navigator helps you to find accessible places in Leipzig.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Connect Buildingnavigator to final city-infrastructure. #53

Closed k00ni closed 6 years ago

k00ni commented 6 years ago

I got the (hopefully) final URL to the public SPARQL endpoint, which holds our place information.

SPARQL Endpoint: https://opendata.leipzig.de/virt-sparql Graph: https://opendata.leipzig.de/bvlplaces/

Can you try these and give me feedback, if there is any problem? Thank you!

simeonackermann commented 6 years ago

Sorry, I will only have time to try this on monday next week...

k00ni commented 6 years ago

No problem, looking forward to it.

simeonackermann commented 6 years ago

On my demo server asimeon.de I get this error:

Failed to load https://opendata.leipzig.de/virt-sparql/: No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested resource. Origin 'https://asimeon.de' is therefore not allowed access.

This is an error about CORS requests. Normally this means the server needs to add the origin or all (*) as allowed request (as described here)

Do you think we can request that? Otherwise I don't know if we can fix this...

k00ni commented 6 years ago

The leading developer on the city-side @fkoestner posted me, that he had no problems. He used:

curl -X POST https://opendata.leipzig.de/virt-sparql --data-urlencode "query=SELECT DISTINCT * FROM https://opendata.leipzig.de/bvlplaces/ WHERE { ?s ?p ?o . } LIMIT 3" -H "Accept: application/sparql-results+json"

But he will check Virtuoso configuration and gets back to us soon.

simeonackermann commented 6 years ago

Its not a problem to directly call the virtuoso endpoint for me either. The problem occurs because the app is stored on our host behindertenverband-leipzig.de, and the request goes to another host. See here:

This cross origin request is disallowed by browsers to improve security and needs to enabled by the seconds server (I didn't found another solution).

fkoestner commented 6 years ago

I checked the configuration of the virtuoso and the proxy. The proxy was missing a setting. So, cross origin requests are possible now.

simeonackermann commented 6 years ago

Jep, I can confirm, it works like a charm now! Thanks for the fast help.

simeonackermann commented 6 years ago

Current commit in branch round-4-navigation implements the new endpoint

k00ni commented 6 years ago

Thanks @fkoestner!

@simeonackermann: Can you merge all branches into the final one for round 4? I would like to deploy your work next week, if possible. Can i replace the icons later on by myself?

simeonackermann commented 6 years ago

@k00ni all updates are merged into branch master now. To update the icons you should simply update the files in the dist/images/bvl folder.

k00ni commented 6 years ago

Can the other branches be deleted?

simeonackermann commented 6 years ago

Sure. I had already done this. But we may keep the new branch rdfstorejs as standalone solution without a triple store.