I can visualize dataset cpa-2008.ttl with all criteria selected and without any time measure selected.
Basically this query works:
select ?s ?p ?o
WHERE {?s ?p ?o .
?s <http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#type> <http://purl.org/linked-data/cube#Observation> .
?s <http://purl.org/linked-data/cube#dataSet> <http://stats.lod2.eu/rdf/qb/LODStats> .
?s <http://stats.lod2.eu/rdf/qb/sourceDataset> ?d0 .
?s <http://stats.lod2.eu/rdf/qb/statisticalCriterion> ?d1 .
?s <http://stats.lod2.eu/rdf/qb/timeOfMeasure> ?d2 .
FILTER ( ?d0 = <http://purl.org/weso/datasets/pscs/cpa/2008/cpa-2008.ttl> )
FILTER ( ?d1 = <http://stats.lod2.eu/rdf/qb/criteria/averageTypedStringLength> OR ?d1 = <http://stats.lod2.eu/rdf/qb/criteria/averageUntypedStringLength> OR ?d1 = <http://stats.lod2.eu/rdf/qb/criteria/blanksAsObject> OR ?d1 = <http://stats.lod2.eu/rdf/qb/criteria/blanksAsSubject> OR ?d1 = <http://stats.lod2.eu/rdf/qb/criteria/classHierarchyDepth> OR ?d1 = <http://stats.lod2.eu/rdf/qb/criteria/entitiesMentioned> OR ?d1 = <http://stats.lod2.eu/rdf/qb/criteria/links> OR ?d1 = <http://stats.lod2.eu/rdf/qb/criteria/literals> OR ?d1 = <http://stats.lod2.eu/rdf/qb/criteria/triples> OR ?d1 = <http://stats.lod2.eu/rdf/qb/criteria/propertyHierarchyDepth> OR ?d1 = <http://stats.lod2.eu/rdf/qb/criteria/subclassUsage> OR ?d1 = <http://stats.lod2.eu/rdf/qb/criteria/typedSubjects> ) }
There are 12 distinct observations returned at different moments of time. If I try to select one of the time slices, it fails.
Thus it fails when one more filter clause is included in query string:
FILTER ( ?d2 = "2011-12-16 23:43:31.809115" OR ?d2 = "2011-12-16 22:19:15.934078")
I used this dataset for the testing https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/4882345/lodstats.rdf
I can visualize dataset cpa-2008.ttl with all criteria selected and without any time measure selected.
Basically this query works:
There are 12 distinct observations returned at different moments of time. If I try to select one of the time slices, it fails.
Thus it fails when one more filter clause is included in query string: FILTER ( ?d2 = "2011-12-16 23:43:31.809115" OR ?d2 = "2011-12-16 22:19:15.934078")