AKSW / graphvis.ontowiki

Graph visualisation extension for OntoWiki
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please respect the code quality #2

Closed seebi closed 12 years ago

seebi commented 12 years ago

Tim, we have a coding standard, please enable the pre-commit hook to test for our cs-standards. also in modules.

reference here: https://github.com/AKSW/OntoWiki/wiki/Coding-Standards

how to enable phpcs in git: https://github.com/AKSW/OntoWiki/wiki/PHPCodeSniffer

to enable it for OntoWiki: cd $OWPATH; make cs-enable

to enable it for graphvis cd $OWPATH; make cs-install-submodule MPATH=extensions/graphvis

(I've pushed csfixes but please do enable checks now!)

yamalight commented 12 years ago
