AKSW / jekyll-rdf

📃 A Jekyll plugin to include RDF data in your static site or build a complete site for your RDF graph
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Jekyll-RDF in Databus Maven Plugin #277

Open kurzum opened 5 years ago

kurzum commented 5 years ago

Hi @white-gecko, at the moment, we produce a dataid.ttl file with each call of mvn deploy on https://github.com/dbpedia/databus-maven-plugin/issues The dataid.ttl is then published on the web server and linked from our site: https://databus.dbpedia.org/dbpedia/mappings/mappingbased-literals/2018.12.01

I think it would be cool to have a HTML rendering of the dataid.ttl produced alongside the dataid, like a dataid.html

Jekyll-RDF is definitely the tool for this. Some ways to integrate this:

  1. I quickly checked and there seem to be a lot of ruby maven projects like: https://rubygems.org/gems/ruby-maven/versions/3.3.12 or https://mvnrepository.com/artifact/rubygems Besides this, there is always the possibility to execute any scripts like bash or whatever: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/3491937/i-want-to-execute-shell-commands-from-mavens-pom-xml

I can help with the maven and bash part, but I have no ideay what Ruby needs to run.

  1. We wrote a mod system, based on your feedback. https://github.com/dbpedia/databus-mods/

So you can run it for all dataids.ttl on your server and publish the HTML as a ResultEntity. Here is the query to get all dataid URLs from the bus:

PREFIX dataid: <http://dataid.dbpedia.org/ns/core#>

 # query all files and their mod results
  ?dataset a dataid:DataId
  1. Databus Maven Plugin could call a Jekyll-RDF webservice rendering the HTML, but this would require online access. You need to be online for mvn deploy to announce your data to the bus, but mvn package works locally.

What do you think. I would prefer 1. as this would publish the HTML docu de-centrally on each data publishers website. This would be a cool feature, Semantics/DBpedia is on September 12th and we will present the baseline version of the Databus and new DBpedia Releases.