AKSW / site.ontowiki

HTML Content Publishing system on top of Linked Data
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querylist helper: allow more markup parameters from the literal helper #22

Open seebi opened 11 years ago

seebi commented 11 years ago

this is a convinience feature:

allow e.g. tag, class, prefix, suffix, iprefix, isuffix

these parameter work as same as in literal helper and change each item of the list.

if no parameter is given no stuff is added

kkda commented 11 years ago

Currently there is no additional markup in this helper, so only prefix and suffix make sense. Unless helper automatically puts something into additional tag it would create, there's no much need for other options. But we can implement them - do we wrap each item into additional tag if any of other options are set, then?

kkda commented 11 years ago

Prefix and suffix added, https://github.com/AKSW/site.ontowiki/commit/268124c603a5e0dce4f4cb6a8d4b713cb23650cc

kkda commented 11 years ago

Do we need other options? They don't make much sense for me as already mentioned, please explain how exactly they need to work.

seebi commented 11 years ago

@haschek please give more detailed reqs here