AKSW / site.ontowiki

HTML Content Publishing system on top of Linked Data
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extend template option class #27

Closed seebi closed 11 years ago

seebi commented 11 years ago

please have a look at https://github.com/AKSW/site.ontowiki/blob/develop/schema/schema.ttl#L67

site:fetchOptionsFrom a owl:ObjectProperty, owl:TransitiveProperty;
  rdfs:comment "Instead (and in addition) of using TemplateOption properties directly, one can link to another resource to use the values from this resource. This allows for managing different options profiles and switch them easily.";

can you add this feature and document it at https://github.com/AKSW/site.ontowiki/wiki/Template-and-Site-Options

Please also document the behavior of comma separated values there.

In ESP we use this in combination with esp:Profile resources

kkda commented 11 years ago

Should options from linked resource's corresponding class and dataset be included, or only from the linked resource?

seebi commented 11 years ago

classes and datasets as well - this means, we have a 6 level hierarchy here.

  1. attributes from linked resources on the dataset, will be overwritten by
  2. direct attributes from the dataset, will be overwritten by
  3. attributes from linked resources on the class, will be overwritten by
  4. direct attributes from the class, will be overwritten by
  5. attributes from linked resources on the current resource, will be overwritten by
  6. direct attributes on the current resource

This sounds very much complicated for me. Please minimize the query overhead here (in a cache-able way).

kkda commented 11 years ago
