AKouki / Recruit

An Applicant Tracking System using Blazor
MIT License
14 stars 9 forks source link

Not an issue, but a comment, great project #4

Open netrunner1987 opened 1 month ago

netrunner1987 commented 1 month ago

This is what I am looking for. I have a web form version of this, but would like to move on to Blazor and web api. Any suggestions on resume and job parsing? like full name, phone, email and skills. Any change of an update? Net8?

AKouki commented 1 month ago

Hello, there is no any parsing in this application from the resume/pdf. The data about candidates are provided when he is submitting his application via /Careers portal. https://demo1-kouki.azurewebsites.net/Careers

About updating this to NET8, this is something that I want to do as soon as i get some free time to read about new Blazor changes. I am thinking of moving from Blazor WASM to Blazor Web App. Also I must do some improvements on some sql queries.