Scroll to table on the 3rd point "Finding the best talent to fill job positions"
Check table
Actual error: Table header has a typo "TELENT shortage around the world" , also, some country names are mispelled: Germa ny , SingapU re, Hunga ry, South Afrca
Expected fix: Header copy should be "TALENT shortage around the world" , country names should be correct
Noticed on Windows 10, Google Chrome 113.0.5672.127
Steps to reproduce:
Actual error: Table header has a typo "TELENT shortage around the world" , also, some country names are mispelled: Germa ny , SingapU re, Hunga ry, South Afrca Expected fix: Header copy should be "TALENT shortage around the world" , country names should be correct
Noticed on Windows 10, Google Chrome 113.0.5672.127