The option to define curves from the command line (--sig) was not working and now is fixed.
The option to define curves from a file (--sigset) was not working and now is fixed
2 more vertical axes are available to allow for more flexibility with the autoranging when curves have too different ranges
Scale and offset factors apply to all the acquired data (and not to only from the point in time where they are set as before)
Scale and offset factors can be set from the command line call (--corr)
Ctrl+U allows to toggle whether the scale/offset factors are applied or not
Measure curve differences between two points in time. Double click in the graph fixes a second crosshair time location. Difference in the curves between that crosshair and the crosshair that follows the mouse are displayed in the top legend.
Local min/max in the legend. The time range for the min/max curve values in the legend is set by default to all acquired data. The time range can be set to a local range by the following sequence: double-click as described above to fix a cross-hair to one of the range-limits. Then click on the time location for the other range. The min/max values in the legend are updated for that local range only. A new click in the data widget will reset the time range to all the acquired data.
Ctrl+O allows to save directly to csv (~user/.icepaposc/ folder 220505_120000_001_string_u/st.csv format yymmdd_hhmmss_drivernumber_ctrlistring_corrfactorsenabledornotunitsorstepsctrlu.csv) the data within the time range shown in the display (min/max in the legend are updated to that time range as well).
Ctrl+I allows to define a text string added to the name of the .csv file saved via Ctrl+O
Ctrl+A/Z/E load several predefined curves sets (experimental)
New features: