ALIZE-Speaker-Recognition / android-alize

ALIZE for the Android platform.
GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
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Question about createSpeaModel #4

Closed ra2637 closed 6 years ago

ra2637 commented 6 years ago

Hi, I'm having error in alizeSystem.createSpeaModel. The error message is as following

W/System.err: AlizeSpkRec.AlizeException: [ FileNotFoundException 0x73732f4c80 ]
W/System.err:   message   = ""
W/System.err:   source file = /Users/ra2637/Workspace/alize/android-alize/alize/src/main/cpp/alize-core/src/FileReader.cpp
W/System.err:   line number = 101
W/System.err:   fileName = /data/user/0/
W/System.err:     at AlizeSpkRec.SimpleSpkDetSystem.createSpeakerModel(Native Method)

It looks like the system would like to read the /data/user/0/ file and couldn't find it. I am not sure that should I provide the .prm file? or is it because the alize.cfg has wrong setting?

I even tried to change the workDir to /data/data/ when create the SimpleSpkDetSystem instance, but I still cannot find this file in my device.

I am really lost, I will be appreciated if you could help me out to know what's happened here. I also put my alize.cfg file as following.

distribType         GD
maxLLK              200
minLLK              -200
bigEndian           false
saveMixtureFileFormat       RAW
loadMixtureFileFormat       RAW
loadFeatureFileFormat       SPRO4
featureServerBufferSize     ALL_FEATURES
featureFilesPath        /
mixtureFilesPath        data/

MAPAlgo                             MAPOccDep
loadFeatureFileExtension        .norm.prm
ra2637 commented 6 years ago

I think I know what's happened there, The loadFeatureFileFormat should be RAW since I use .wav file.

tevamerlin commented 6 years ago


Actually, I think the problem is linked to loadFeatureFileExtension, which is set to .norm.prm in your configuration. In the method performing parameterization (in SimpleSpkDetSystem.cpp), the extension is hard-coded to .prm for the temporary feature file, while the rest of the code uses the extension specified in the configuration file. We will fix this, but as a temporary solution, you can specify .prm for this parameter in your config file.

ra2637 commented 6 years ago


You are so correct, actually I did many modify loadFeatureFileExtension to .prm in my config file and I didn't realize that. Thanks.

Ganerdene commented 5 years ago

i facing this error help me please