ALPGO-AI / ui-admin

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[Bug Report] 模板生成图片后不会自动刷新 #18

Open Swimcat opened 1 year ago

Swimcat commented 1 year ago

Bug Report

描述 Description


预期行为 Expected Behavior


当前行为 Current Behavior


复现步骤 Steps to Reproduce

请提供详细的复现步骤。Please provide detailed steps to reproduce the issue.

  1. 第一步 点击生成图片
  2. 第二步 等待30秒
  3. 第三步 模板图片生成,但界面的图片并未更新

截图(可选)Screenshots (optional)

如适用,添加截图以帮助解释您的问题。If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your issue.

其他信息 Additional Information

请提供任何可能有助于解决问题的其他信息。Please provide any additional information that may be helpful in resolving the issue.