Closed flash201524 closed 1 week ago
(IPSL) PS E:\coding\ModelicaGridData> python run_sim --tool om --model IEEE14 --proc 3 --cores 2 --n_pf 2 --n_sc 10 --n_sim 15
No OpenIPSL version specified. Defaulting to '1.5.0' Setting simulations to run on pc Working with 10 contingency scenarios Working with ~ 15 simulations (exactly (15))
Model name IEEE14_Base_Case in package IEEE14 OpenIPSL version: 1.5.0 Tool om Process(es) 3 Core(s) per process 2 Power flows 2 Contingency scenarios 10 Total simulations: ~ 5/process (15)
Program executed in 3.9174 s (0.0653 min / 0.0011 h)
I have changed the path for the tools and IPSL, and I can't find results in OpenModelica folder
It turns out that I changed the directory of my OpenModelica directory name
I have executed nyiso, runpf,val_pf,run_sim, but can't find the _experiment folder. Is it because I need to extract it?