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TO DO ONE OF THESE DAYS (unfortunately too late to fix now ?) #58

Open micbuffa opened 9 years ago

micbuffa commented 9 years ago

Having a real p2p file transfert, I just discovered that you do that using web sockets...

Fix the "leave room" problem

Manage for real several rooms : history per room, shared files per room, URL that reflects the room

And please, try to explain the room lifecycle.

Apparently there is no way to associate a peerconnection to a web socket connection, in other words, do you know who is speaking on web sockets and do you know what peerconnection it is ? This should have been addressed at the very beginning of the project and now as Justin told me, it causes many problems. If you can fix that (and it will fix also the "leave room" problem), then we'll be very happy :-)