ALiVE Open Source GPL v2
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Tasks given by the commander need to be logical #549

Open AngusDLX opened 5 years ago

AngusDLX commented 5 years ago

ALiVE's tasks are incredible and the idea of ​​generating them with something related to the battlefield events made it even more fun to use them.

The problem is that self generation does not distinguish the type of function that the player is fulfilling on the battlefield. Example: A player who is a CAS pilot receiving a mission to transport troops. Another example: Players who are on the ground shortly after capturing a city receiving CAS mission on the other side of the map.

I know there is a custom blacklist for you to block certain types of tasks but since it works for everyone in the game it still does not make sense.

The solution would be

1) Some type of code to be inserted into the Soldier / Group init in the editor so you would be able to only assign a certain type of task to it.

2) Or (hard work) create a task module in ALiVE with several fields where players can enter which groups can receive certain types of tasks.

With that many players could have even more fun. Tired of being a pilot? Enter a spec ops squad and receive tasks to sabotage facilities, kill hvts, destroy facilities and more ...

With this, I believe that the system will make much more sense and will have more immersion.

diveyez commented 5 years ago

That is indeed a problem and a very annoying one. The mission issuing code needs to be reworked.

xetra11 commented 5 years ago

Developing a gameplay overhaul mod for Arma3 while being inspired by ALiVE the same issue occured when integrating ALiVE into the mod. We try to solve the problem with "senseless" tasks by letting players themselve "farm" tasks in an immersive way.

This is done by first issuing squads to recon missions. Reporting enemy contacts with "SPOTREPS" will then convert those SPOTREPS into tasks depending on the reported strength and behaviour.

The concept is defined here:

If this is done (which will hopefully happen in the next two month) then we also plan to decouple it from CoopR and make it available as ALiVE task module enhancement/option. At the moment it really uses ALiVE's SPOTREPs and therefore it actually is more developed towards ALiVE then to CoopR itself.

I'd still love to hear some other ideas how to make a more interesting tasking system for ALiVE