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Feature Request: - Multiple command support providers #612

Open NZF-JDWang opened 5 years ago

NZF-JDWang commented 5 years ago

Now that we have the ability to list multiple items for calling combat supports it would be even cooler if we could have multiple combat support providers.

This would allow situations where you could set it up so your JTAC with 1 backpack could call in Artillery, CAS, and Transport, while your SL with a different pack could only call in Transport.

Possibly the best way to do this would be to move the check etc from the provider module and on to each individual CS module.

That way you could even break it down as far as 1 item gives you access to heavy transport while another gives you light transport. etc etc

DavisBrown723 commented 5 years ago

I've looked into this previously and it appeared to require a pretty big change in how CS is structured.