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Feature Request - Less accurate intel from civilians #679

Open NZF-JDWang opened 4 years ago

NZF-JDWang commented 4 years ago

Currently when you receive intel from civilians it's perfectly accurate to the building level.

Would be nice to have some variation in the accuracy. Eg only a small percentage of the intel is accurate down to the building, other intel may just point to a 100m radius etc. This could scale depending on how much the civilians like/dislike you.

You could go so far as to have civilians with a negative view of the players giving them false information perhaps even telling them there's an HQ at the same location as an IED in an attempt to lure them into a trap.

Having played a bit of the Hearts and Minds framework, their intel is in the form of a marker with a value eg 600m, which means you can get intel from 2-3 different sources saying 600m 300m and 450m for example and then use that to triangulate a fairly accurate position. Other times they will say they saw something 600m to the west. It just makes the players have to use a bit of thought when they get intel rather than it being pinpoint accurate.

svencc commented 4 years ago

I agree; good idea