ALiVE Open Source GPL v2
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Persistent IEDs + Starting IED Threat Level #716

Closed trapw0w closed 2 years ago

trapw0w commented 4 years ago




Local DB

Cloud DB

All working as of: 736cd738d83ba43bd10480edf92553c5bdaa5ff7

Known Issues (To Fix)

===================================== Issue: VBIEDs and SBIEDs won't spawn on second load (Resolved in f3c7d62de70396dd43f997ebeca9767b062893c3) Parameters

Root Cause:


svencc commented 4 years ago

Thank you so much for implementing this feature!

trapw0w commented 4 years ago

Quick test to confirm IED Placement via the Military Commander:

_objectives = [OPCOM_INSTANCES select 0, "objectives"] call ALiVE_fnc_hashGet;


    _objective = _x;
    _center = [_objective,"center"] call ALiVE_fnc_HashGet;
    _id = [_objective,"objectiveID",""] call ALiVE_fnc_HashGet;
    _size = [_objective,"size",-1] call ALiVE_fnc_HashGet;

    _factions = ["OPF_F"];
    _faction = selectRandom _factions;
    _roads = _center nearRoads _size;
    _target = selectRandom _roads;
    _target = [[],"convertObject",_target] call ALiVE_fnc_OPCOM;
    _sidesEnemy = ["WEST"];

    _sector = [ALIVE_sectorGrid, "positionToSector", _center] call ALIVE_fnc_sectorGrid;
    _sectorData = [_sector,"data",["",[],[],nil]] call ALIVE_fnc_hashGet;
    _civClusters = [_sectorData,"clustersCiv"] call ALIVE_fnc_hashGet;
    _settlementClusters = [_civClusters,"settlement",[]] call ALIVE_fnc_hashGet;
    _agentClusterData = [ALIVE_agentHandler,"agentsByCluster",["",[],[],nil]] call ALiVE_fnc_hashGet;
    _agents =  ([_agentClusterData,_settlementClusters select 0 select 1,["",[],[],nil]] call ALiVE_fnc_HashGet) select 1; 

    [time,_center,_id,_size,_faction,_target,_sidesEnemy,_agents] spawn ALiVE_fnc_INS_ied;

}forEach _objectives;
trapw0w commented 4 years ago

@tupolov added mil_ied DB to Couch DB. Will test to confirm.

DarrellJMartin commented 2 years ago

Resolved conflicts.