ALiVE Open Source GPL v2
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[sys_marker] Fix for stacked Ctrl EventHandlers #719

Closed trapw0w closed 3 years ago

trapw0w commented 4 years ago


Summary: Control Event Handlers are stackable and are processed in reverse order (i.e. last added: processed first, first added: processed last). In this instance, ALiVEs EH's are processed first as they're declared last. Issue is that as soon as one of the processed event handlers returns a true response, no further stacked executions take place.

Replication Code

fnc_test1 = {
 diag_log "[ALiVE-TEST] - Test 1 - Success!";
 _result = true;

fnc_test2 = {
 diag_log "[ALiVE-TEST] - Test 2 - Success!";

_control = finddisplay 12 displayctrl 51; 

_control ctrladdeventhandler ["mousebuttonclick","[] call fnc_test2"];
_control ctrladdeventhandler ["mousebuttonclick","[] call fnc_test1"]; 

Replication Output

17:37:23 "[ALiVE-TEST] - Test 1 - Success!"
17:37:23 [ACRE] (sys_io) INFO: Pipe error: Read CreateFileA WinErrCode: 2
17:37:28 ALiVE has hooked abort button: B Alpha 1-3:1 (Trap)
17:37:28 ALiVE has hooked abort button: B Alpha 1-3:1 (Trap)
