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Feature Request: Ability To Disable Civ Sounds #722

Closed Vegas-zzz closed 3 years ago

Vegas-zzz commented 4 years ago

A lot of our players are complaining about some of the civilian sounds. Notably the loud screaming and baby crying.

Now, I'm all for immersion, and most of the sounds I really enjoy, however those two in particular are gnarly and they often loop.

Would be great to have some checkboxes in the module to enable or disable certain sounds, or one to enable/disable them all.


ghost commented 3 years ago

Would be cool too if there was a way to put the baby to sleep permanently.

jones140 commented 3 years ago

I have to agree the some of sounds are very obnoxious especially baby Mabey just some more fitting sounds or higher variety

tupolov commented 3 years ago

Ok will try to work something out. Is this ambient sounds or something heard when the shooting starts?

tupolov commented 3 years ago

Ok you can try the following script to remove crying and baby sounds from ambient civ house sounds.

waitUntil {!isNil "ALiVE_STATIC_DATA_LOADED"}; [ALIVE_civilianHouseTracks, "ALiVE_Civpop_Audio_15"] call ALIVE_fnc_hashRem; // Crying [ALIVE_civilianHouseTracks, "ALiVE_Civpop_Audio_17"] call ALIVE_fnc_hashRem; // Baby

For a list of sounds see here

To see how sounds are added to Civ Pop see here