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[Feature Request] Asymmetric OPCOM recruiting parameters. #725

Open arismagicgr opened 3 years ago

arismagicgr commented 3 years ago



I believe that adding a feature to make asymmetric OPCOM be able to recruit from civis more than once is something that will make the OPCOM way more playable and realistic (after all this is the thing with insurgency, if you do not control it and fight it, eventually all conquer the whole place). And to control the recruitment population (how many groups will be recruited) you can set a percentage of the starting population as a threshold (for example when the enemy force will become (random number for example here: ) 150% will stop recruiting and when it will drop lower than this again the recruitment will start again (also, the percentage will be tweakable from mission maker). This way the players will have to constantly trying to suppress and exploit the insurgency with all the ways they can (gathering HUMINT, patroling, observing, raiding etc.). And another feature that can be introduced maybe is to change the minimum time between every recruitment (with unlimited recruitments and/or the percentage that was mentioned above) to control the rate of the insurgency spreads and grow (possibly mission makers will set the minimum time in minutes on a field in the appropriate module and on the background you will translate it into ALiVE cycles).

Steps to Reproduce

  1. [First Step]
  2. [Second Step]
  3. [and so on...]

Expected behavior: [What you expected to happen]

Actual behavior: Right now, what actually happens most of the time is that the insurgency forces will diminish as they fight and if the objectives that are recruit-capable will not change hands, the insurgency will eventually run out of soldiers and the battlefield will empty. And after all this is unrealistic! As in fact if insurgency will be left uncontrolled and unopposed, slowly will recruit the biggest part of the population and take control of the region!