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Combat Support Transport issue on dedicated server #771

Open emek1501 opened 2 years ago

emek1501 commented 2 years ago



When I'm in game on one dedicated server and call for heli transport, trough combat support tablet, the heli won't land. When it arrives it touches the ground and then flying off again.

Steps to Reproduce

  1. Open Combat Support Tablet
  2. Choose callsign
  3. Choose "land"
  4. Mark position on map
  5. Order unit to dispatch
  6. Wait for heli to arrive

Expected behavior: I expect the heli to land on the marked position and wait for me to jump in and give new orders

Actual behavior: The heli arrives to marked position, touches the ground and then flying up again

DarrellJMartin commented 1 year ago

Unable to reproduce without the following: Please provide a list of additional addons used. An rpt file with CS modules in debug mode and if possible the mission file.

DarrellJMartin commented 10 months ago

tested in vanilla (ALiVE and CBA_A3 only) and working fine. Helicopter lands and waits.