ALiVE Open Source GPL v2
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New Asymmetric Tasks #83

Open AUTigerGrad opened 8 years ago

AUTigerGrad commented 8 years ago

I have 1 that would be outstanding addition in the CISTAR Tasks, specifically for Assymetric warfare.

Terrorist Cell Leaders...expanding on a simple "Kill the HVT" task...have an Assymetric specific task that places Terrorist Cell leaders in different quadrants of a map or on separate islands of an island chain. Depending on if you kill or capture the Cell can receive either a massive boost to the war effort by having the Assymetric AI commander get a negative hit on recruitment when losing a cell leader...or...if captured...get a massive Intelligence boost from interrogating the AI commander in addition to the negative recruitment period for the insurgents.

Plus it would just be cool as hell to discover a legit Cell leader in the campaign created by ALiVE.

[Tup] Removed the convoy idea as its duplicated in another issue.

HeroesandvillainsOS commented 8 years ago

Good ideas!

tupolov commented 7 years ago