Minor one: With the new XNAT sync tool we query the scan date directly from XNAT, rather than obtaining it by querying the DICOM meta date (since XNAT extracts the date from the appropriate tags in the scan). It allows us to also query date information for scans in another format than DICOM. However, XNAT only return the date (YYYY-MM-DD) and no time (hh:mm:ss) information. Showing the time doesn't make a much sense at the moment, so I would suggest restricting the data in the date column to only date, no time.
Minor one: With the new XNAT sync tool we query the scan date directly from XNAT, rather than obtaining it by querying the DICOM meta date (since XNAT extracts the date from the appropriate tags in the scan). It allows us to also query date information for scans in another format than DICOM. However, XNAT only return the date (YYYY-MM-DD) and no time (hh:mm:ss) information. Showing the time doesn't make a much sense at the moment, so I would suggest restricting the data in the date column to only date, no time.