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Nested Virtualization for SEV-SNP #169

Open Daviiap opened 1 year ago

Daviiap commented 1 year ago

Hi, I'm working with SEV-SNP VMs and Kata Containers, and a question comes to mind: Is it possible to run nested SEV-SNP enabled VMs inside a SEV-SNP VM?

I was looking at this whitepaper about SEV-SNP and noticed that the VMPLs (Virtual Machine Privilege Levels) might be used to enable nested virtualization. However, I'm unsure if it is actually possible.

If it is possible, does anyone know if KVM already supports it?

tlendacky commented 11 months ago

I was looking at this whitepaper about SEV-SNP and noticed that the VMPLs (Virtual Machine Privilege Levels) might be used to enable nested virtualization. However, I'm unsure if it is actually possible.

If it is possible, does anyone know if KVM already supports it?

It isn't possible to do true nested virtualization in an SNP guest of an SNP guest, even using multiple VMPL levels.

aep commented 5 months ago

is this a limitation on hardware level or does this repo just not provide software for it? asking because azure claims it does support nested SNP

Daviiap commented 5 months ago

Hi @aep! Can you send the link to these Azure docs?

aep commented 5 months ago

under NDA :(

tlendacky commented 5 months ago

It is a software limitation. It is related to the L0 hypervisor use of the NPT support for the L1 hypervisor. The L1 hypervisor must be a non-SEV guest in order to run an L2 SNP guest. I think the L1 guest can't be run using NPT and it also requires virtualizing PSP accesses, ASID assignments, etc. It's been a while since I've thought about it and may not have remembered everything correctly :).

aep commented 5 months ago

Looks like that's indeed the case on azure. The attestation for the first VM uh... dunno how much of that is confidential. But the nested VM looks good.

Can we create that same setup with KVM? Virtualizing the PSP doesn't sound too difficult given that it's a limited API surface. But no idea how ASIDs work.

tlendacky commented 5 months ago

Anything is possible, but we're still working on getting regular SNP host support upstream. Not sure where this would fall on the priority list of work we already have to do. Patches are always welcome and appreciated upstream.

aep commented 5 months ago

Yeah I'll ask the boss if we can contribute that but I can already imagine the answer 🙄

katexochen commented 2 months ago

As it sound possible and only an issue of priority, @Daviiap could you re-open the issue for tracking purpose and visibility?

mbs0221 commented 1 month ago

referred to this work from Microsoft Research? Hecate: Lifting and Shifting On-Premises Workloads to an Untrusted Cloud