AMD Secure Encrypted Virtualization
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Which Versions and Tags for SEV-SNP support #188

Open JETtech-Labs opened 9 months ago

JETtech-Labs commented 9 months ago

I understand I need to use the QEMU and Linux branches for SEV-SNP, but what is not clear is which branch name to use and which of these branches HAS been merged upstream.

For example, I see mainline Linux has taken much of the SNP updates - so is it even necessary to use a special host kernel if I am running mainline 6.2.0 (for example). Or do I need a non-mainline branch for my SNP guest kernel if i am running 6.5.0?

Mainline QEMU looks to be behind on SNP support. Which branch from the QEMU is best for SNP? My initial thinking is "snp-latest" seems like a good choice or maybe "snp-v3"?

Is there some page that tracks which features are in each branch name? How about something that indicates if those features have been accepted into mainline Linux/QEMU?


tlendacky commented 9 months ago

The only support for SNP that is upstream is for running as an SNP guest. The AMDSEV repo has a file that lists the current commits to use for each component ( In general, you can run a mainline 6.5 kernel in the guest, but you will need the tree from the AMDESE linux repo in order to start an SNP guest. There might be some fixes that are in the snp-host-latest branch that may or may not affect you, which is why the same kernel branch is listed for both host and guest.