AMI-system / ami_setup

AMI configuration files
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Check if witty pi schedule exists. #17

Open albags opened 1 month ago

albags commented 1 month ago

Possible solution propose by @abhimandela:

  1. IF shutting down due to low voltage threshold (checks to be made in using something like tail -n 10 wittypi.log | grep “shutdown message seen in log” ) THEN run WittyPi schedule generation (before the delay) to make sure systems turns ON as per schedule . But this is a rare issue and maybe concerned with a damaged witty pi so I will let you all decide the best course of action for this.

  2. IF (current_time > end_time in schedule.wpi ) OR (ON due to 5V / USB connected message in wittypi.log) OR (no schedule.wpi file present) THEN run Witty Pi schedule generation in

albags commented 1 month ago

As a temporary solution, the will run in the crontab every day at midnight and 5 minutes and in the the file.