Advanced Multilanguage Interface to CVODES and IDAS
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Warning: AMICI ERROR: in module CVSLS in function cvKLUSetup : A call to an external package failed. #444

Closed thomassligon closed 6 years ago

thomassligon commented 6 years ago

I am sometimes getting this error. Why should a call to an external package fail, unless there is an error in compiling the mex? But that reported no errors.

How can I debug the problem? Do need a more verbose amiwrap report, or do I need to debug the mex executable?

Error during simulation: Warning: AMICI ERROR: in module CVSLS in function cvKLUSetup : A call to an external package failed.
Warning: AMICI ERROR: in module CVODES in function CVode : At t = 37309.7, the setup routine failed in an unrecoverable manner.
Warning: AMICI forward simulation failed at t = 37309.729416: AMICI failed to integrate the forward problem

Report after amiwrap: Warning: AMICI does not officially support Microsoft Visual Studio Compilers. If the compilation fails, we recommend using MinGW.

In amiwrap (line 22) In optimize_ASTHMA_V40_M07 (line 70) amiwrap version 71d0f3dae284e28388dea84be2150bf4b860ac59 Generating model struct ... Parsing model struct ... p | x | k | xdot | w | dwdx | J | JB | JDiag | JSparse | JSparseB | Jv | JvB | root | drootdx | sx | drootdp | drootdt | sroot | deltax | deltaxdot | ddeltaxdx | ddeltaxdp | ddeltaxdt | dtaudp | stau | deltasx | xB | deltaxB | dwdp | dxdotdp | z | dzdp | dtaudx | dzdx | qBdot | sxdot | dzdt | sz | xBdot | sparse | sparseB | Generating C code ... J | JB | JDiag | JSparse | JSparseB | Jv | JvB | dwdp | dwdx | dxdotdp | qBdot | sxdot | w | xBdot | xdot | CMakeLists | swig | main | Compiling mex file ... ffuns | Building with 'Microsoft Visual C++ 2017'. MEX completed successfully. wrapfunctions | Building with 'Microsoft Visual C++ 2017'. MEX completed successfully. linking | Building with 'Microsoft Visual C++ 2017 (C)'. MEX completed successfully. Generating M code ... Elapsed time is 321.236918 seconds.

FFroehlich commented 6 years ago

I have experienced the same issue and if I remember correctly, this is error indicates that the factorization via KLU failed. I do not have any good advice on how to fix this issue, but it should only happen for particular parameter values.

thomassligon commented 6 years ago

OK, I'll assume that the error message doesn't mean what it says, but instead that KLU factorization failed. Thanks for the help.

FFroehlich commented 6 years ago

The message does mean what it says, KLU is an external package and the call to a function in that external package failed, i.e., threw an error.