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Experiment EvoSuite #67

Closed ezackr closed 9 months ago

ezackr commented 1 year ago

NOTE: Please review the original pull request "Experiment Setup" ( before this pull request. This pull request builds a part of the functionality from the pipeline outlined by the aforementioned pull request.

This pull request implements the functionality of generating tests using EvoSuite. This functionality is used to generate prefixes with TestUtils#removeOracles. EvoSuite is implemented using Java 8. Consequently, to use EvoSuite, the user must set the local path variable "JAVA8_HOME" in EvoSuite to the Home directory of a local JDK 8. Setup instructions have been added to the README, with links to JDK downloads. To use the user must follow the format:

bash [fully qualified name] [path to binaries]

For example,

bash tutorial.Stack ~/EvoSuite-Tutorial/Tutorial_Stack/target/classes