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Add a config module to help with config parser object discovery #7

Closed chadhanna closed 4 years ago

chadhanna commented 7 years ago

Closely integrated with setuptools is the pkg_resources module which helps with data discovery in a distribution. We should use it to retrieve our ini file config parser. I would like to add a module called "" into amonpy/tools. Here are the contents

import pkg_resources
from ConfigParser import ConfigParser as CP
with open(pkg_resources.resource_filename("amonpy", "amon_replace.ini")) as f:

Then any code can access the config parser already initialized by simply doing:

from import AMON_CONFIG

You then have access to the ConfigParser, e.g.,

>>> AMON_CONFIG.sections()
['database', 'dirs', 'machine', 'mailing_list']
AMONCode commented 4 years ago

This was completely implemented into amonpy.