AMP-SCZ / dpdash

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Limit MongoDB logs #501

Open tashrifbillah opened 7 months ago

tashrifbillah commented 7 months ago

Size of /opt/dpdash/dpstate/dpdash/mongodb/logs/mongod.log was growing over 7 GB. As a result, VM was getting full and DPdash was stalling. Two solutions we are eyeing for this are:

1. Remove --logpath , it is ineffectual as there is logPath definition already:

Use --quiet flag with mongod launch command.


Use logRotate: reopen after this line. Although after what file size log will be rotated is unclear, we want to use it as a an added safety.

tashrifbillah commented 7 months ago

Commit the changes to this branch:

We shall deploy these changes to rc-predict after first week of December's patching.