AMP-SCZ / qqc

Checking signals in the AMP-SCZ phantom
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Machine Learning Diffusion B-Value QQC #54

Open owenborders opened 1 year ago

kcho commented 1 year ago

@nickckim Reference for extracting mean diffusion signal from 4d image. See line 137.

nickckim commented 1 year ago

Here is some rough draft code. If possible could I receive guidance on how to incorporate bval and bvec into calculation for volume intensity (if this is necessary at all). Is there a formula I am unaware of? Thank you @kcho!

import nibabel as nib  
import numpy as np  

def extract_mean_volume_intensities(nifti_path, bval_path, bvec_path):

    # Load nifti, bval, and bvec arrays
    nifti_array = nib.load(nifti_path).get_fdata()
    bval_array = np.loadtxt(bval_path)
    bvec_array = np.loadtxt(bvec_path)

    # Sanity check
    number_of_nifti_volumes = nifti_array.shape[3]
    number_of_bvals = len(bval_array)
    number_of_bvecs = bvec_array.shape[1]

    if number_of_nifti_volumes != number_of_bvals:
        raise ValueError(f"Mismatch: {number_of_nifti_volumes} nifti volumes and {number_of_bvals} bvals.")

    if number_of_nifti_volumes != number_of_bvecs:
        raise ValueError(f"Mismatch: {number_of_nifti_volumes} nifti volumes and {number_of_bvecs} bvecs.")

    # Initialize empty array to store mean volume intensities
    mean_volume_intensities = np.zeros(number_of_nifti_volumes)

    # Calculate mean volume intensities
    for volume in range(number_of_nifti_volumes):
        intensities = nifti_array[..., volume]
        mean_intensity = np.mean(intensities)
        mean_volume_intensities[volume] = mean_intensity

    # Return mean volume intensity array
    return mean_volume_intensities
kcho commented 1 year ago

@nickckim Nice. bval and bvec is not needed, but one way to use the bval with the intensity QC is to confirm that the highest mean intensity across the whole volume is coming from volume with 0 bval. Think about it and let me know if you want to implement it. I'll comment on it.

  1. Could you create test_extract_mean_volume_intensities function that runs extract_mean_volume_intensities function on one of the existing dMRI data and print the output?

  2. Create a second function called collect_mean_volume_intensities.

    • find all DWI PA images under our MRI_ROOT/rawdata (Please use Path module from Path)
    • if there is no corresponding mean_volume_intensities saved as a file in the following pattern
    • MRI_ROOT/derivatives/quick_qc/sub-${subject}/ses-${session}/dwi_pa_mean_volume_intensities.txt
    • run extract_mean_volume_intensities on each DWI PA image
    • if the text file already exists, load this file as numpy array
    • return dictionary of {subses: np.array of mean volume intensities}
  3. Create test_collect_mean_volume_intensities function that calls collect_mean_volume_intensities

nickckim commented 1 year ago

More progress. Need to test more.

import csv
from pathlib import Path

import nibabel as nib
import numpy as np

mri_root = Path("/data/predict1/data_from_nda/MRI_ROOT")
qqc = mri_root / "derivatives" / "quick_qc"

import sys

from test_nifti_bval_bvec_paths import test_bval_path, test_bvec_path, test_nifti_path

def create_dwi_pa_dict_of_dicts(mri_root):
    # Establish list of dwi pa nifti, bval, and bvec paths in mri_root
    dwi_pa_nifti_paths = list(
    dwi_pa_bval_paths = list(
    dwi_pa_bvec_paths = list(

    # {File name excluding suffix: {nifti, bval, or bvec: path}}
    dwi_pa_dict_of_dicts = {}

    for path in dwi_pa_nifti_paths:
        key = path.stem.split(".")[0]  # Remove suffix
        dwi_pa_dict_of_dicts[key] = {"nifti": path}  # Create new entry

    for path in dwi_pa_bval_paths:
        key = path.stem.split(".")[0]  # Remove suffix
        if key in dwi_pa_dict_of_dicts:
            dwi_pa_dict_of_dicts[key]["bval"] = path  # Add to existing entry
            print(f"Key non-match: {key}")
            dwi_pa_dict_of_dicts[key] = {"bval": path}  # Create new entry

    for path in dwi_pa_bvec_paths:
        key = path.stem.split(".")[0]  # Remove suffix
        if key in dwi_pa_dict_of_dicts:
            dwi_pa_dict_of_dicts[key]["bvec"] = path  # Add to existing entry
            print(f"Key non-match: {key}")
            dwi_pa_dict_of_dicts[key] = {"bvec": path}  # Create new entry

    # Find file names excluding suffix that lack a nifti, bval, or bvec
    keys_to_remove = []
    for outer_key, inner_dict in dwi_pa_dict_of_dicts.items():
        missing_keys = [
            key for key in ["nifti", "bval", "bvec"] if key not in inner_dict
        if missing_keys:
                f"No accompanying {' or '.join(missing_keys)} for {outer_key}. Removing from dictionary."

    # Remove them from dictionary
    for key in keys_to_remove:

    # Transform outer keys to sub-*/ses-*
    dwi_pa_dict_of_dicts = {
        f"{key.split('_')[0]}/{key.split('_')[1]}": value
        for key, value in dwi_pa_dict_of_dicts.items()

    return dwi_pa_dict_of_dicts

def extract_mean_volume_intensities(nifti_path, bval_path, bvec_path, subses=None):
    # Load nifti, bval, and bvec arrays
    nifti_array = nib.load(nifti_path).get_fdata()
    bval_array = np.loadtxt(bval_path)
    bvec_array = np.loadtxt(bvec_path)

    # Sanity check – Comparing number of nifti volumes against number of bvals and bvecs
    number_of_nifti_volumes = nifti_array.shape[3]
    number_of_bvals = len(bval_array)
    number_of_bvecs = bvec_array.shape[1]

    if number_of_nifti_volumes != number_of_bvals:
        raise ValueError(
            f"Mismatch: {number_of_nifti_volumes} nifti volumes and {number_of_bvals} bvals."

    if number_of_nifti_volumes != number_of_bvecs:
        raise ValueError(
            f"Mismatch: {number_of_nifti_volumes} nifti volumes and {number_of_bvecs} bvecs."

    # Initialize empty array to store mean volume intensities
    mean_volume_intensities = np.zeros(number_of_nifti_volumes)

    # Calculate mean volume intensities
    for volume in range(number_of_nifti_volumes):
        intensities = nifti_array[..., volume]
        mean_intensity = np.mean(intensities)
        mean_volume_intensities[volume] = mean_intensity

    # Sanity check – Checking that highest mean volume intensity is from a volume with bval <= 50
    highest_mean_volume_intensity_index = np.argmax(mean_volume_intensities)

    if bval_array[highest_mean_volume_intensity_index] > 50:
        warning_msg = f"Warning: The highest mean volume intensity is from a volume with bval of ({bval_array[highest_mean_volume_intensity_index]})"
        if subses is not None:
            warning_msg += f" for {subses}."

    # Return mean volume intensity array
    return mean_volume_intensities

def collect_mean_volume_intensities():
    # Establish dwi pa in mri_root {File name excluding suffix: {nifti, bval, and bvec: path}}
    dwi_pa_dict_of_dicts = create_dwi_pa_dict_of_dicts(mri_root)

    # Initialize empty dictionary to store mean volume intensities for all sub-*/ses-*
    pa_mean_volume_intensities_all_subses = {}

    # Loop through subses in dictionary
    for subses, inner_dict in dwi_pa_dict_of_dicts.items():
        path = qqc / subses / "dwi_pa_mean_volume_intensities.txt"

        # Load dwi_pa_mean_volume_intensities.txt if it exists on server
        if path.exists():
            pa_mean_volume_intensities_for_subses = np.loadtxt(path)
                # Save dwi_pa_mean_volume_intensities.txt if it does not exist on server
                pa_mean_volume_intensities_for_subses = extract_mean_volume_intensities(
                    inner_dict.get("nifti", "default_nifti_path"),
                    inner_dict.get("bval", "default_bval_path"),
                    inner_dict.get("bvec", "default_bvec_path"),
            except IndexError as e:
                    f"IndexError occurred in extract_mean_volume_intensities for {subses}"
                raise e
                # np.savetxt(path, pa_mean_volume_intensities_for_subses)

        # Appendto all subses mean volume intensities dictioanry
        ] = pa_mean_volume_intensities_for_subses

def test_extract_mean_volume_intensities():
    mean_volume_intensities_test = extract_mean_volume_intensities(
        test_nifti_path, test_bval_path, test_bvec_path
    return mean_volume_intensities_test

def test_collect_mean_volume_intensities():
    collect_mean_volume_intensities_test = test_collect_mean_volume_intensities()
    return collect_mean_volume_intensities_test

def dict_to_csv(file_path, data_dict):
    with open(file_path, "w", newline="") as csv_file:
        writer = csv.writer(csv_file)
        for key, value in data_dict.items():
            writer.writerow([key, value])
kcho commented 1 year ago

@nickckim Great! See my suggestions on the left screen of the figure


Saving the code as and running with the following line successfully returns dict of session:mean intensities.

pytest -s
