AMReX-Codes / amrex

AMReX: Software Framework for Block Structured AMR
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Fix L2 norms in C_util/Convergence codes #4009

Closed ajnonaka closed 1 week ago

ajnonaka commented 1 week ago


The multifab L2 norm routines simply return sum(a dot a). Thus, when you sum up norms from each grid you do NOT need to take them to the ^NORM power. The cell count (i.e. volume) scaling is performed lower

The formula is now implemented correctly, for p!=0:

L^p = ( 1/Ncell sum (phi_f - phi_c)^p ) ^(1/p)

(note that using cell volume instead of 1/Ncell accomplishes the proper scaling as well, which is what the code does)

Additional background


The proposed changes:

zingale commented 1 week ago

note that it also worked for p =1

zingale commented 1 week ago

this is a nice catch. L2 never behaved well for me