For debugging purposes, I was trying to restart a case from a checkpoint and change the diagnostic slice file output frequency (by changing but it wasn't updating its frequency.
It works fine when I run the case from the beginning.
So after restart, I checked if those diagnostic inputs were even being read-in by running for a single timestep. I get the following message:
Ending run at 16:44:33 UTC on 2024-01-26.
Run time = 9.351523563
Run time w/o init = 9.333585459
Unused ParmParse Variables:
[TOP]::pelec.diagnostics(nvals = 1) :: [xNormPlane]
[TOP]::pelec.xNormPlane.type(nvals = 1) :: [DiagFramePlane]
[TOP]::pelec.xNormPlane.file(nvals = 1) :: [xNormCent]
[TOP]::pelec.xNormPlane.normal(nvals = 1) :: [0]
[TOP] = 1) :: [0.15625]
[TOP] = 1) :: [5]
[TOP]::pelec.xNormPlane.field_names(nvals = 10) :: [density, zmom, xmom, Temp, heatRelease, z_velocity, x_velocity, Y(H2), Y(HO2), pressure]
[TOP] = 1) :: [1]
For debugging purposes, I was trying to restart a case from a checkpoint and change the diagnostic slice file output frequency (by changing
) but it wasn't updating its frequency.It works fine when I run the case from the beginning.
So after restart, I checked if those diagnostic inputs were even being read-in by running for a single timestep. I get the following message:
Tested this even with