AMReX-Microelectronics / FerroX

FerroX is a massively parallel, 3D phase-field simulation framework for modeling ferroelectric materials based scalable logic devices.
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vector polarization initialization #43

Closed prkkumar closed 10 months ago

prkkumar commented 1 year ago

This PR adds the option to initialize P with a user defined remnant polarization value called Remnant_P.

Remnant_P takes three real numbers to represent x, y, and z components of initial remnant polarization.

It is an optional parameter. The default values are

Remnant_P = 0.0 0.0 0.002

This PR also adds a new optional parameter called is_polarization_scalar which takes an integer. The default values is : is_polarization_scalar = 1

In order to use the vector polarization model (i.e. non-zero Px, Py, and Pz, we need to set is_polarization_scalar = 0 ). When is_polarization_scalar = 1, we also set TDGL_RHS_x(y) = 0.0, so that Px and Py stay zero at all times.

Note that, the default values for these new input params are set in such a way that all the previous input files should work without any modifications.